I know what you are thinking. My posture is fine! I've been doing ballet for years! To that I say, fantastic, I'm glad that you know how to execute correct posture in both simple and complex movement sequences. BUT, can you explain to me what posture, placement and alignment is?
⇨ You need to have an understanding of what posture is and how it is applicable to dance. There also must be the understanding of how bad posture is a detriment on someones dancing abilities.
⇨ Knowing parallel and turnout position is not enough information to get you through your interview. You need to be able to explain this is DETAIL.
⇨ Alignment. This is one that everyone thinks they have a grasp of. This may be true, most dancers have a basic understanding of alignment, but can't talk about it in detail in relation to performance quality, or how this differs from locomotor to non-locomotor sequences
A lot of dancers I work with have a false perception of their alignment and the placement of their weight. It is something that needs to be not only put into practice, but understood deeply from a theoretical perspective. It isn't something that you can just read about and expect it to be corrected overnight.
If you would like more information about this topic you can:
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Keep dancing!
Helena Adele Kyriacou
Bachelor of Dance Education