Appreciation analysis and essay writing can be a difficult task if you haven't been given the tools to help you succeed.
When my students begin to study appreciation in dance, they often struggle with making connections between the movement and how the motifs have been manipulated with the use of transitions, sequencing and form to create meaning.
They then find the process of essay writing even harder. To be honest, most students that I get studying dance have actually never been taught how to write an essay properly. Every time it blows my mind, even though I know it is coming. I sit there, and I write with them, constantly, until they understand the language and style that needs to be used in order to write a successful essay.
Dance essays require for you to paint a clear picture in the markers head whilst being concise and relevant to the question. You must back up what you are saying and not just assume that the marker thinks the same.
Appreciation is a component where you need to go home and put in the extra work. Write draft essays, and if you are lucky, your teacher will be willing to read those essays and provide you feedback time and time again.
Sometimes teachers do not focus on this component until Term 1/2 of your HSC year which can be EXTREMELY stressful. If you feel as though you are struggling or would like further assistance you have options.
Book in for an online video call session where you can engage in a tutoring session with Helena Kyriacou (Bachelor of Dance Education)
Subscribe to our Appreciation service where you will find information resources to help with your understanding of the work and activities to assist with this.
Purchase our ESSAY MARKING service, where our tutor will read through it and assist you with making it stronger and HSC ready.
Keep Dancing!
Helena Kyriacou
Bachelor of Dance Education